Friday, March 28, 2014

Lovely Lazy Days And A Half Crazy Sale ~

Do you love lazy days?

I adore them.

Especially in early Springtime.

Entering into our 4th month of unemployment, I am very focused on money~
And that makes me very sad.
But I am enjoying the longer, lazy days.

I don't like money very much.
It seems more inclined to do things TO a person instead of FOR a person.
But, the reality is....we need it.

While my heart is focused on blossoms and puppies and hummingbirds and art, my head is focused on survival.

So....I am having a crazy sale.
50% off storewide in both of my shops.

Of course, we desperately need the money.
My head tells me this and my heart believes it.

My Zibbet Shop does not require a coupon code.
The prices area marked for you.
Isn't that cool?  I love that!

If you prefer my Etsy Shop you can use coupon Code HALFCRAZY to receive 50% off.

This includes all my newest originals:

3 framed pieces:

And of course....all my prints too.

This is also a great time to purchase for Easter.
I have a large inventory of rabbity art!

So, while this sale is going on, I am going to look forward...

Appreciate the small stuff.

Hungry hummingbirds are visiting lately ~ 

This little one is patiently waiting for his turn at the feeder.
Quietly perched on a branch above ~

The puppies walk with me...
Investigating the boysenberries ~ 

Smelling the wildflowers ~ 

Playing peek-a-boo ~

Posing for selfies ~ 

Admiring the early blue blossoms in my backyard wildflower garden ~ 

Crazy mockingbird landed on this pretty lupine and broke the stem.
So it is now residing safely in a vase ~ 

Lazy days find me rummaging through boxes of old treasures and toys.
Poppin' and Poppie were my favorites!

Wonderfully quiet days in the studio.
Messy desk and Springtime shadows ~ 

 While we wait for good news and send out countless resumes every day,
we savor our Everydays.

Time passes in a flash, doesn't it seem so?
As terrifying as it is to be living with an unstable future, each day still needs to be appreciated.  

We wake up every morning with a heaviness in our bodies.
Fearful of unemployment and the lack of jobs to be had in our region.
Wondering and hoping that maybe today will finally be the day that someone says "you're hired."

But, we're still alive.
Someday, this will be a part of our past.
Another layer in our life.

It is scary, but it won't devour us.

Flowers still bloom.
Puppies still play.
Our family is still together.
Job or no job...

We Are Still Alive.

Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World


Raige Creations said...

what great hummingbird pics!
hang in there!

Gerushia's New World said...

Thank you, Rebecca! I had to take quite a few just to get those. Speedy little buggers!
