Where to start? Well, I think I'll start in chronological order, how's that?
I had a re-connection with a neighbor from my childhood...

Thanks to Facebook, I was able to "find" Betty. Betty was one of the neighborhood moms on the little street where I grew up. Much like a second mom to me. She and my mom were good friends as well. Oh how I've searched for Betty through the years. Three days before my mom passed away last summer, she said to me ~ "I sure wish you could find Betty. She needs to know about me." I promised my mom I would find her. Unfortunately, I didn't find Betty in time. I didn't find her before my mom passed away. But...I DID find her. Oh what fun we had together...

Betty is a fabulous woman, filled with spirit and life. We will meet again, very soon.
Another Facebook reunion...I am working on a very special watercolor/collage right now. The vintage photo that the piece is based around came from an old friend from High School. (We reconnected on Facebook). He's Indian...from the Karuk Tribe in Northern California (along the Klamath River). This beautiful old photo depicts his Grandmother and Great Grandmother and was taken sometime between 1918 and 1922...

He has graciously granted me permission to use this piece in my work. Such a beautiful photo.
(PLEASE forgive the over the top watermarkings, but I've had a terrible run of image theft on my blog lately).
I adore my simple Everydays. The bits and pieces that hold memories and smells and beauty. My Plum tree is in full bloom and smells Heavenly...

Gary and I planted this tree before my "Great Depression of 2008." The Plums have a deep, dark purple flesh and they taste like pure magic.
Last week, we put up our Spring decorations. (I like to use the term Spring decorations, because I keep the Spring celebration separate from Easter). I adore the freshness and new hope of Spring...

Just about now...I am looking forward to decorating our Spring eggs. Each year we try something new. Last year, we used Bubble Wrap to create some unusual designs...

Oh...and last week, I actually took a fairly good picture of myself à la "Myspace"...

Gary and I always giggle when we try to take our own photos like the "teenagers" do. The young folks on Myspace have this way with taking photos of themselves. I always feel like the biggest goof when I smile into a camera and no one else is in the room with me!
And...yet another Facebook meeting. Oh, and I'll just give you a little peek into this special day, as I will do a post all about it very soon, but...
Severals years ago, I was selling art on eBay and I participated in many art groups through eBay. One of my eBay artist friends (Shell) became my Facebook friend...

We realized that, not only did we have many things in common, we even shared a friend outside of our art world. We discovered that we live close together AND that we grew up close together. Back in my doll making days, she even bought a Humpty Dumpty Santa from me as a gift for her mom...
Well, last week, Shell and I met for lunch and hit a few museums. We had so much fun. But...I'll tell you all about that in a few days.
One of my simple pleasures is a freshly groomed dog. My Miniature Schnauzer, Junior, was ever so shaggy (but cute)...

He needed grooming, and how! But...when he's freshly groomed he looks ~ well ~ like a sausage on toothpicks! He's stocky and odd and alien-like. But, we love him!

Yet another simple pleasure is working in my garden. Unfortunately, during my "Great Depression of 2008", I let my garden die. There is nothing left of the beautiful color splashes and tangled greens of my previous desert cottage garden...

Only bare dirt and dried, fallen leaves from the neighbors trees...

This weekend, Gary and I officially started cleaning the garden with plans to bring it back to the beauty of "Before".
Also...just a little blurb here ~ I'm offering FREE SHIPPING on every item in My Etsy Shop through Friday, April 2nd.
So, as you can see, I've had Special Days and Everydays over the last few weeks. I appreciate each day and look forward (finally) to many more.
Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World