I hardly know where to start.
Life has surely pitched my family a curve ball.
You see, my husband was laid off in December of 2013.
He was unemployed from December through the end of July 2014.
He took a less than perfect job, because, let's be serious, that's better than unemployment.
He worked there for just over 7 months when that company restructured.
In early March 2015, he was laid off again.
Currently, he is still unemployed.
During this time, I have helped to keep food on the table with my Art Shop ~
and my Garden/Photography Shop.
So.....I don't know what the future holds.
But, no one really knows, do they?
I try to stay focused.
And grateful.
Grateful for those dreamy days that are far and few between....
Tea time with a friend ~
Quiet days in my studio....working through the worry ~
Staying focused ~
Thankful for friends that share their bounty ~
Working working working on new art ~

Savoring sweet moments ~
....and working hard to make ends meet.
I just recently, (finally) introduced blank inside note cards into both my shops ~
(Still trying to perfect taking artistic photos of my note cards).
You can find note cards with my art in my Art Shop ~
You can find lovely gardeny note cards in my Photography Shop
This is a rough patch...to say the least.
I have learned a lot...
Especially this ~
I have also learned that, even in the most difficult, dark times....
There can be fun things.
Good things.
I am so happy to say that The Press Enterprise (an Inland Empire newspaper in the Southern California area) interviewed me for their "Artist Spotlight" this week ~ ARTIST SPOTLIGHT
They even included a slide show of my work ~ SLIDE SHOW
My daughter was so patient last week....
Snapping a gajillion photos to get one single artist photo of me for the spotlight ~
I see the tiredness in my eyes and the hardness in my smile.
And fear.
But....I see gratefulness too.
And a bit of hope.
And thankfulness.
Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World