My goodness, it's been way too long since my last visit. I haven't been on tropical vacations or cruises to Mexico. Just alot of Everydays. Being so busy with this and that left me with only snippets of time to sit at my computer. I miss my daily blogging. I feel detached and out of the loop. So...with a free day in front of me, I'm taking this opportunity to get caught up with my blogging. I wonder if this will be my longest post ever? I have so many pictures to share with you, so I'll keep the text to a minimum. I'm hoping, after getting caught up today, I can be a better blogger!!
Now, where to begin? I think chronological order might be the way to go....
Planted some vegetables in my garden this year ~
Future Fried Green Tomato
Curly Cucumber
I also planted some Sunflowers, but a horde of ravenous Goldfinch stripped the leaves off of every single plant. Never had that happen before ~

Early in August, I had the opportunity to take my daughter to meet her favorite band. (I like them as well). We met all the guys and got a couple of items signed. Have a look at her eyes...pure emotion and a bit star struck as well ~

A week later I finally got my "Dancing Fiona" tattoo. The appointment had been scheduled since March. I was so fortunate to be able to schedule with Dan Smith at High Voltage. (This is the shop featured in the show L.A. Ink). My daughter and my friend Shell accompanied me...and I must admit, we had a blast ~

Kat Von D's Throne
Don't know if this Chandelier has ever been shown on L.A. Ink

Dan drawing up the Dancing Fiona stencil

I just posted this photo because I think it's over the moon cute
Freshly finished Fiona
Shell and me posing as usual's a treat for those of you who have always wondered what the High Voltage bathroom looks like!!! ~ ya think we took enough pictures?
Two days after my tattoo, we celebrated my daughter's 17th Birthday. Bonzo had a fabulous time at the party ~

I have noticed through the years that anytime I take a photo around my front palm tree, it is surrounded by orby type thingies. There are always at least 6 or 7 orbs. I don't know what was going on in these two photos...but I have never seen this many orbs around my palm tree

I haven't had much time to read this summer, but with the season slowing down, I am now reading this (love me a circus-y book) ~

Over the summer, I have enjoyed playing around with shadows ~ snapping pictures of unexpected silhouettes ~

This last shadow silhouette gives me a giggle ~

It looks like the Pringle's Man (do you agree)? ~

Last week, my friend Shell and I became members of a local "Arts Association". We visited the gallery and goofed around as usual ~

We browsed around at a vintage shop as well ~

My large family of Orioles are still visiting, but not for long. They'll be on their way South in a couple of weeks. This photo shows one of the "teenage" Orioles at the Hummingbird feeder ~

Last Saturday, my husband and I enjoyed the opening reception of my arty pal Julie Bergmann's gallery show at
Studio Claremont. We had a lovely time visiting with Julie, her husband and a few other artist friends. The show is fabulous, highlighting Julie's Papier Mache, photography and mixed media works. If you're local and have a few hours to spare, drop by and have a look!

Well...this brings me to this morning. I was so surprised to see a big, fluffy tree squirrel in my front yard. I see wee little ground squirrels all about my local park, but never, not once, have I seen a tree squirrel around here ~

Isn't he the best squirrel in the world? I wish the photos were better, but I was in a rush to run inside and get my camera. By the time I got back outside, the squirrel was being stalked by a nasty, mean stray I scared the cat away and my furry squirrel baby ran away as well.
For all of you who made it to the end of this entry without fainting from pure bordeom, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World