Poor Mr. Tolliver fell in the pot, then fell into a terrible rot!!
Did he slip?
Did he trip?
He took a terrible flip....
He fell in the pot
Graceful? He's not...
He got stuck in the pot and couldn't get out,
Despite all the hours he spent giving shouts.
His neighbors were wondering where he was about...
Poor Mr. Tolliver couldn't get out...
He scratched and he clawed and screamed till he cried,
All the while wondering...am I going to die?
Will I croak in this pot...give up my ghost?
Before I have my morning toast?
Was he drunker than snot when he fell in the pot?
Yes, yes he was, he was drunker than snot
And that's what caused him to fall in the pot.
You see, Mr. Tolliver had a bad cold,
That's what happens when you're fragile and old.
He coughed and he hacked and he blew his nose,
Till the snot was a drippin' from his head to his toes.
Slippin' and slidin' in his puddle of snot,
Caused old man Tolliver to fall in the pot!
Please stop by Vanessa Valencia's spectacular 5th annual blog party this weekend. You won't be sorry!
A big thank you to Vanessa. She is a magical mistress of party preparations. She not only includes lovely decorations and tasty treats...but she includes her heart and soul as well.

Until Next Time:
Gerushia's New World
P.S. "Mr. Tolliver" was a sort of accidental compilation poem written by my brother and me on facebook. I had posted a photo of Mr. Tolliver and he left a funny comment that was rather poetic. Then, I posted a comment that rhymed and from there..."Mr. Tolliver" was born. Robert (my brother) is an amazing aviation artist. Check out his Etsy Shop. His aviation art is unbelievable!
P.S. "Mr. Tolliver" was a sort of accidental compilation poem written by my brother and me on facebook. I had posted a photo of Mr. Tolliver and he left a funny comment that was rather poetic. Then, I posted a comment that rhymed and from there..."Mr. Tolliver" was born. Robert (my brother) is an amazing aviation artist. Check out his Etsy Shop. His aviation art is unbelievable!