~~I am so very sad that I dropped my digital camera on a concrete path. It is broken through and through.
I am thankful that my daughter has a camera exactly like mine and has offered to share it with me.
~~I truly loathe cutting raw onions.
I am thankful that my husband is willing to take on that chore. While I am here, tapping on my computer, he is chopping onions for our holiday dressing.
~~I miss having family and friends to celebrate holidays with, as we have no folks or friends nearby.
I am thankful that my little family of five is festive, boisterous and noisy enough to make it feel like we have a full house.
~~I am often regretful of our choice to live in this particular city.
I am thankful that we have a home.
~~I am downhearted that both my mom and dad have passed away. It makes the holidays a bit lonely.
I am thankful for the time spent with them, and that my kids have fabulous memories of them.
~~I am irritated at the rambunctious, water splattering birds in my front yard birdbath. It sits right in front of the window, therefore the window needs constant cleaning.
I am thankful for the rambunctious, water splattering birds in my front yard birdbath. They offer a colorful circus everyday!
~~I am sometimes regretful of the choices I've made in life.
I am thankful for the freedom to make my own choices.
~~I am never, ever happy with my weight.
I am thankful that I have food in the pantry.
~~I am constantly worried about my kids and hopeful that Gary and I have helped to guide them in the right direction.
I am thankful everyday for my kids and wouldn't change a thing.
I do hope you all have a warm and happy Thanksgiving: